Hardcover book print

Hardcover books are considered top quality and are also most durable. Covers of hardcover books are made of cardboards and are therefore rigid, robust and somewhat heavier than in other types of binding. The cover can be coated with different materials. The selection of coating materials nowadays is extremely diverse, from lightly printed and laminated paper or cardboards, to different artificial supplements and so on. Hardcover books are usually more expensive, compared to other types of binding, but leave the most lasting impression on readers, who most often subconsciously also take such a book more seriously.

Information required in an enquiry

State how many books you wish to print.

When stating the format, please specify whether it’s a portrait or landscape.
In the EU, we usually state formats in the following fashion: Width x Height. Example: 210 x 297 mm (portrait A4 format).

The English use their own method for naming the format: Height x Width (reverse), this is why it is important to also state if it’s a portrait or landscape in words.

If you want the most cost-effective offer, it is best that the number of pages is dividable by 32 or 16 (interior pages, without the cover).
When calculating, consider that one sheet represents two pages (front and back).

Scope: 128 pages + 4 cover pages 

If endpapers are not included in the book block, we require the following information:
Printing: Are both sides printed and do we use CMYK or Pantone colours?
Material: Stating the paper for endpaper sheets.
Example: 150-gram Silk paper, 4/4 CMYK (here we state that endpapers are printed on both sides using CMYK colours).

In a hard-bound cover, we require:
– Stating the print of the cover and coating: Do we use CMYK or Pantone colours? With coating, customers decide on different laminations (Matt, Gloss, Soft-touch, Anti-scratch, etc.). Here we also state any additional requirements, such as partial UV varnish, foil printing, etc.
– Choosing the material: which paper to use for coating
– cardboard thickness: In our printing company, we use 2 mm, 2.5 mm or 3 mm cardboards.  

Cover print: 4/0 + 1/0 matt lamination
Cover material: 150-g uncoated paper
Cardboard thickness: 2.5 mm

Regarding the book block, we require:
– Stating the print of the book block: Do we do both-sided print (1/1) or colour CMYK print (4/4). We can also use a combination of CMYK and Pantone colours.
– Choosing the material for the book block: There is an extremely wide array of paper on the market. There are classic papers for the inside, such as Silk, Gloss, uncoated offset paper and other more exotic papers. To prepare an offer, we mainly require the type of paper and its weight (in grams).

Interior print: 4/4 CMYK
Interior material: 150-g Silk paper

State whether the book has a flat/round back, if you want a capital ribbon (+ colour), if we add a bookmark ribbon (+ width and colour) and other potential details/additions. 

Packaging is also available in different options: directly in boxes, PVC vacuum-packaging and similar.

Printed matter may be picked up (Ex works), but we also organize transportation, if needed.

How may we be of assistance?

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