Committed to the production of high-quality and environmentally and child-friendly cardboard

Committed to the production of high-quality and environmentally and child-friendly cardboard

V tiskarni Evrografis smo postali edini v Sloveniji, ki izdelujemo kartonke – otroške knjigice. Zelo dobro poznamo tiskarski trg, zato se zavedamo, da je pri izdelavi kartonk ključno upoštevati več vidikov. Kartonke morajo biti trpežne, da lahko prenesejo vsakodnevno uporabo in morebitne udarce, obenem pa morajo biti narejene iz varnih, netoksičnih materialov, da se prepreči morebitno poškodbo ali zaužitje nevarnih snovi. Pomembno je tudi, da so kartonke odporne na vlago, saj se lahko knjige znajdejo v različnih okoljih. Kvalitetne kartonke omogočajo boljšo reprodukcijo barv in ilustracij ter omogočajo kakovosten tisk, brez razmazovanja barv ali slabše kakovosti tiskanja, kar vpliva na estetiko in berljivost otroških knjig. Zato je izbira primernih kartonk ključna za zagotavljanje visoke kakovosti, varnosti in pozitivne izkušnje med branjem otroških knjig.

At the Evrografis printing house, we have become the only ones in Slovenia that produce cardboard – children’s books. We know the printing market very well, so we realize that it is crucial to consider several aspects when making cardboard. Cardboard boxes must be durable enough to withstand daily use and potential impacts, while also being made from safe, non-toxic materials to prevent possible damage or ingestion of hazardous substances. It is also important that the cardboard is resistant to moisture, as books can be found in different environments. High-quality cardboard enables better reproduction of colors and illustrations and enables high-quality printing, without smearing of colors or poorer print quality, which affects the aesthetics and readability of children’s books. Therefore, the selection of suitable cardboard is the key to ensuring high quality, safety and a positive experience while reading children’s books.

We only use environmentally friendly printing products: the cardboards are printed with BIO colors and the varnishing, regardless of whether you choose matte, gloss or super gloss, is BIO based. As a novelty, which is already a very useful practice abroad, we also offer the possibility to calculate the carbon footprint that the production of your cardboard would have on the environment before production.

We make cardboard boxes according to your wishes: a wide selection of various shapes and formats is possible, but they can also be interactive and thus even more suitable for children’s picture books. It is possible to mark individual details with a wide variety of colors or foils with glitter, pull out hidden pieces from them, turn and rotate circular inserts and much more!

We are the proud owners of a wide variety of certificates: FSC (we are committed to the responsible management of forests worldwide, our wood products, including paper and paper products come from responsibly managed forests), ISO 12647 (we ensure high quality color printing), ClimateCalc (we enable you to accurately monitor the total carbon footprint of our printing and packaging products), Weilburger (we use modern coatings that are energy-saving and increase productivity), Hubergroup (we use Hubergroup BIO inks for offset printing for food packaging, which is an important step towards reducing environmental impact) and FDA (we use cardboard that is safe for use in the food industry).

We will make sure that the cartons meet the highest standards of quality, durability and safety. Our expert approach to materials selection will ensure that books are attractive to children, while allowing parents and carers to read carefree without worrying about safety or durability. Our goal is to create an environment where children can learn, explore and develop a love of reading.

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